Cultivating your design style is a gradual process. However, it’s worth taking the time to develop a design taste or to explore various creative ideas before you start spending money on designing your dream home.

Learning to choose a design style for your home makes the home designing experience more fulfilling and successful.
When it comes to your design style, many homeowners feel like that, they have lots of ideas but don’t know what to choose or focus on for themselves.

In my view, homes should reflect who you are at the deepest level. So, the first step to knowing your favorite design style is getting in touch with your true self. Trust your intuition rather than just following the crowd or certain fashion of society. Discover what you love so you will not get overwhelmed by all the choices out there on Pinterest or design magazines.

Choosing a design style that matches your personality allows you to have confidence and a fulfilling home designing experience. In short, find what makes you feel happy and go with it! so you can create a home that looks beautiful, feels authentic, and reflects your unique personality.

Below are a few tips to help you find your design s

  • Step 1: Think about the experience or feeling first.
  • Step 2: Modern, Traditional, or Fusion?
  • Step 3: Take an inventory of your existing Purchase
  • Step 4- Create a Mood board or visual reminders


Step 1: Think about the experience or feeling first.
Trying to design your home for a particular aesthetic or look is worthless if you are not clear about the feeling or experience that you would want to have at your home. It is like trying to make an Ice cream without knowing what the flavor is supposed to be.

In design, the two things – Experience and aesthetics go hand in hand.
Some popular experiences that come up when people talk about how they want to feel in their home are:
∙ Cheerful
∙ Cosy
∙ relaxing
∙ restful
∙ peaceful
∙ Authentic
∙ Simple
∙ inviting
∙ elegant
∙ Trendy

Choose the experience and that experience can become an inspiration for home design.

This could mean remembering the way you felt in a beautiful place you visited in the past. It could be a luxurious hotel you stayed in or a last simple homestay which you found very relaxing. Or it could be even just a nice restaurant or garden which gives you a very cheerful and refreshing experience. There is no wrong answer in design.

We just need to understand what that thing or object was, and which contributed to delivering that particular experience.

Step 2: Modern, Traditional, or Fusion?
Finding your interior design style can get overwhelming when we explore many different design styles and various design phrases.
To keep things simple, start with two main and broad interior design style categories: Modern and traditional. Everything else just trickles down from there.

A few details to note here are as below-
Modern Or Contemporary design style is often characterized by clean lines, clean surfaces, and sleek furniture. It can have a minimalistic feel to it.

On a broader level, the styles that fall under modern or contemporary would-be styles like minimalistic, zen, mid-century modern, Scandinavian design, Industrial design, or Eclectic design styles

The traditional design style is often characterized by ornate details, rich textures, and heavier furniture. It uses Ornated moldings, elaborate trims, and rich architectural details.

The styles that fall under tradition could be styles like Indian ethnic, Colonial, Victorian, Neoclassical, Art Deco, or Mediterranean design styles.

Sometimes people find both design styles equally stunning. Some design elements from both worlds they want to experience at their home. This is fine and normal as well. However, it’s good to know what direction you lean in Primarily. This is where We can decide the proportion of mixing two styles and create a fusion style of design.


Fusion Design Style is often characterized by the mixing of characteristics and objects from two different styles in different proportions. The right mix of two or more design aesthetics can create a wonderfully unique and individual look.
The styles that fall under fusion could be styles like design style- japandi (Japanese + Scandinavian = Japandi), modern rustic, Urban Modern, modern farmhouse, Or Bohemian.
Many times, the best designs are those that are a combination of more than one style. A combination of 80% of one style and 20% of the other, really works well.

Step 3: Take an inventory of your existing Purchase
The Simple trick to knowing what you like is to take a good look at your favorite purchase around you.
It includes clothing items, Fashion accessories, home décor items, and many more.
Pay attention to the colors and textures of things. Are they mostly purchased neutral or colorful things? What’s the percentage of modern clothes vs traditional clothes? That might give you an idea about the color pallet, style, and mood you would love for your home. Are your favorite clothes made with lots of bold patterns or interesting textures? If so, go for a similar look when choosing textiles for your home.

Step 4- Create a Mood board or visual reminders
Bring all your favorite items together in one place by using digital techniques like photoshop or just create a handmade mood board of things that is your favorite purchase.
Arrangement and visualization of favorite objects tell a story about who you are and how you want your home to look and feel.
You can create Visual reminders by exploring inspiring spaces on Instagram or Pinterest and save what you love to a board or folder. By doing so, you might spot a trend, color scheme, or

 overall theme that resonates with you.


Remember, when it comes to Picking up the right design style for your home, there’s no right or wrong choice. So, keep experimenting until you land on a look that feels right for you.
Choose things that feel good to you, look beautiful to you, and make you feel the way You want to feel.
Finally, your home is where your precious story begins!

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